Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Compilation problem with x264 enabled mencoder

In order to make a daily RDAHMM movie with fps=5 that is compatible to every platform and player, we tried to encode the video with several different types of formats, and found that the only qualified format is h264. However, in order to make mencoder work with h264, we need to recompile it with x264 option, as well as the support of x264 package. We found it very hard to make sure the compilation can complete on any server, because of lack of x264 support on the machine, or because the wrong version of x264.

So we are now trying to separate the video making function from the Daily RDAHMM Service, so that it can just be deployed to a server where everything is OK, and answer requests from Daily RDAHMM Service from everywhere. This way we also need only one copy of all the map pictures and historical video, and the update of the historical video will also be easier to manage.

Daily RDAHMM Result Service added to svn control

The Daily RDAHMM Service has been added to the code depository of QuakeSim2. A new directory DailyRDAHMMResultService is added to the ExecutionServices directory, and the service can be built and deployed with maven commands from the top QuakeSim2 directory.

Since Daily RDAHMM Result Service is deployed with Axis2, we also added a axis2.tar.gz under the portal_deploy directory, which will be deployed after tomcat is deployed. The Daily RDAHMM Result Service is deployed under the "services" directory of axis2.

For sake of consistency with previous deployment configurations, the Daily RDAHMM Result Service will also be built with maven scripts in pom.xml, and a directory will be copied to the webapps directory of tomcat. But this is not necessary: this directory will not be the running service. We might be able to deploy all other services to axis2 in the future, so that we don't need to copy them to "webapps" directly any more.