Sunday, August 10, 2008

QuakeSim Updates

Updates to portal:
  1. Layouts updated. Disloc2 promoted to "Deformation Analysis" tab. Old disloc and meshgen portlets moved to "Obsolete Portlets" tab.
  2. Updated map centers of various GPS and RDAHMM portlets.
  3. Disloc2 scatter points can now be deleted.
  4. Disloc2 maps use updated KML service that correctly styles faults and points.
  5. Grid input points as well as scatter input points can now be viewed before submitting disloc.
  6. RealTimeRDAHMM portlet updated to use the new infrastructrue.

Updates to services:
  1. KML Service updated to do a better job scaling arrows and to correctly style arrows and faults.
  2. Disloc service updated to use corrected version of disloc executable.
  3. RealTimeRDAHMM services now classify real time data against trained data sets.

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