Friday, September 17, 2010

Disloc InSAR Plotting Service Updated

We have updated this service to match the color table used by UAVSAR.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

New plotting component added to daily RDAHMM

We have added a new swf plotting component to the daily RDAHMM portlet, as shown in the following picture. Compared to the old plots, this new plotting component has the following advantages:

1. better point and line connections;
2. zoom-in and zoom-out in time scale;
3. slide-though along time axis;

Portal URL Updated

The portal URL is now  This will be the permanent portal URL from now on and will make future host upgrades less disruptive. The portal is still hosted on gridfarm003, but the old URL will give Google map key warnings.   The old host,, has been deprecated and should not be used.