Sunday, April 12, 2009

Modifications to daily RDAHMM service for supporting JPL data source

We have modified the daily RDAHMM service in the following way so that other data sources can be supported in a flexible way:

1. We run one service process for each data source;

2. Corresponding to different data sources, different directories will be used to save the daily RDAHMM analysis results. Besides, different arguments should be used for querying the input GPS data for different data sources;

3. On start up, a service process will receive the path to a property file as an argument. This file contains information such as the data source, pre-processing treatment, directory for saving the results, and GRWS query arguments for this process. The process will analyze the property file, and thus do analysis to the specified data source, using the right corresponding query arguments, pre-processing treatment, and output directory.

Support for JPL data source added to Daily RDAHMM portlet

Support for JPL data source has been added to daily RDAHMM portlet. We added a separate jsp page, DailyRdahmm_jpl.jsp, to show the results of JPL data source, and added a navigation rule in the portal configuration file, faces-conf.xml, to navigate betweent the pages for SOPAC data source and JPL data source. Now there is a link on each page pointing to the other page, so the user can click this link to view results for the other data source. Updates have been applied to the server at